The danish pelagic fishing fleet in DPPO’s membership introduces 100% documented fisheries

mar 11, 2022

As the first in Europe, the Danish pelagic fleet is now introducing fully documented fishing on all vessels. By the end of 2022, CCTV and associated sensors will be installed on all Danish pelagic vessels organised in the Danish Pelagic Producer Organisation (DPPO).

The danish pelagic fleet in DPPO’s membership is one of the world’s most modern and advanced. Every year, Danish pelagic fishers land more than 400,000 tons of healthy, sustainably caught herring, mackerel, and other species to millions of hungry consumers worldwide. These consumers are now given the additional assurance that the fish is caught and handled responsibly and in full compliance with rules and regulations in both Denmark and the EU.

With effect from the start of 2023, all vessels in DPPO’s membership will be connected to a closed data system operated and owned by DPPO with the assistance of independent third parties. The transparent system records and stores all relevant fisheries-related data from the vessels, including video from CCTV surveillance. All data and information from the fishing operations are made directly available to the Danish fisheries authorities and other relevant public and private partners.

“For the past 30 years, members have pioneered the development of European fisheries. From establishing new fisheries to sustainability certification to introducing an in-house research program and Ph.D. school, to selective gears, quality control, and the Code for Sustainable Pelagic Fisheries. In all areas, Danish pelagic fishermen have been willing to take the lead in the development. Therefore, the establishment of our new control system for fully documented fishing is a natural continuation of the development of the organization and the fleet as a modern and transparent player in European fisheries. As a producer organization, it is our responsibility to ensure that fisheries can respond to the demands of the authorities and, more importantly, the consumers. Now we are once again one step ahead,” says Esben Sverdrup-Jensen, Director of DPPO.

The system has been in development for a long time and is expected to be finally ready for installation on the vessels by the end of 2022. The development takes place in close collaboration with authorities and experts.

“For us fishermen, trust is key,” says Chairman Fridi Magnusen about the background for the new initiative. “Trust is paramount when selling fish in ports around Europe and trust is vital for the safety onboard a fishing vessel. If we lose trust with the consumers, we lose our livelihoods. With our own system for fully documented fisheries, we can hopefully tackle the prejudices and misunderstandings that characterize the debate on fisheries and fisheries policy and which have helped to undermine trust in both fisheries and the responsible authorities.”

CONTACT:  CEO: Esben Sverdrup-Jensen

+ 45 61 66  09 78
+ 45 98 94 42 39

En fortælling fra en praktikant hos DPPO:

En fortælling fra en praktikant hos DPPO:

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