Fully Documented Fisheries on all vessels

jul 5, 2024

As the first pelagic fishing fleet in Europe, the Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation (DPPO) is introducing Fully Documented Fishing on all member vessels. As a result, more than 50% of all Danish catches are now monitored using CCTV, AI and sensor technology. The system is owned and operated by the DPPO and supported by certified 3rd party Integrated Monitoring and aims at ensuring transparency in the industry and to generate data for marine research and better management.

Improved biodiversity in our oceans, strengthened science, and more transparency in the fishing sector. These are the key objectives behind the Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation’s new initiative, Fully Documented Fishing, which is now implemented on all member vessels.

With Fully Documented Fishing, all fishing-related activities on board are documented using a combination of sensors, AI, and CCTV cameras placed on the vessel. The system’s sensors and data infrastructure allow for the provision of data and information for use in science, management, and traceability. All data is directly available for control authorities and scientific institutions.

At the same time, this new data enables the vessels to document that all relevant fishing regulations are being adhered to on board. This has been a crucial motivation behind the initiative, says the Chairman of The Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation, Jens Schneider Rasmussen:

“It is extremely important for us to contribute to transparency in the fishing sector so that both authorities and consumers can have full confidence in our work at sea and the sustainable seafood we harvest. Therefore, I am pleased that we can now set the standard for high-resolution data for both ocean research and better management of our marine resources,” he says.

In line with the Fisheries Commission’s Recommendations

The launch of Fully Documented Fishing was part of the 19 expert recommendations on the future of fishing, which the independent expert Fisheries Commission published in December 2023, on assignment from the Danish Parliament.

The Fisheries Commission particularly emphasised that the initiative could ensure targeted and optimised sustainable harvesting by fisheries and minimise negative effects on ecosystems, including unwanted bycatch of fish, birds, and marine mammals, as well as unwanted impacts on seabed habitats and organisms.

Concurrently, the initiative has been sought after and supported by several NGOs.

“That DPPO introduces Fully Documented Fisheries on all vessels is good news for our challenged oceans and for the future of fish stocks. More cameras and more sensors will help us reduce bycatches and strengthen fisheries management through better data and more knowledge,” says Liselotte Hohwy Stokholm, CEO of green think tank Ocean Institute in Copenhagen.

The Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation owns the system and data, but everything is made available to the Danish authorities and other relevant public and private partners. The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Read more about Fully Documented Fishing here.

About the Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation

The Danish Pelagic Producers Organization (DPPO) represents Denmark’s largest pelagic fishing vessels. The members use low impact gear in harvesting species such as herring, mackerel and sprat in Northeast Atlantic.

Read more at www.dppo.dk.

Contact details: 
Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation
CEO: Esben Sverdrup-Jensen
E-mail: es@pelagisk.dk
Phone: +45 61 66 09 78

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